Sunday, April 11, 2010

A busy few weeks

Just after I returned from California Julia celebrated her second birthday.  The house was full, with relatives from both coasts visiting.  If you want to see more about Julia's birthday, click on the Burdick family link on the right. 

 Here are just a few recent random pictures chosen from the many we have taken.

Lovin' the wind in the hair!

Peeking over the deck to the neighbor's "jumpa jumpa"

My four favorite girls

Julia reconnects with her Auntie Titta

Here are a few pictures taken on Easter

We were happy to be here to celebrate Becky and Scott both turning 30


   Becky couldn't believe how much  smoke comes from blowing out 30 candles.

Gary, Scott, and Krista shared turns with the tickets for the Final Four in Indianapolis.  Of course, Krista was hoping that St Mary's would have made it that far, but all three said the games were exciting all the same.

 Krista, Gary, and I drove to Cleveland to see the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. It's right along Lake Erie and it was strange to think that I used to live about 100 miles east, right along the same lake.

Krista left for home today.  We will miss her so much and I know Julia will miss her auntie.
We're hoping for a visit from Dan soon.