Wednesday, July 21, 2010

And we're off....

.  Our house plans got the okay from the committee on Monday, and Wednesday the guys showed up to begin clearing the lot.  It hurt me to see trees come down, but the tree specialists were very careful to clear only what was necessary for construction.  You can see what I mean by this picture of our car parked at our place, after the tree cutting was completed.  You can hardly see the cleared area.

Here is where we will call home soon.

And this is some of our firewood for the next few years.  We had to find a way to replace you, Matt, although feel free to come help us saw this into usable sizes.

It is really HOT here where we are living at the base of Signal Mountain.  It is usually 10 degrees cooler up on the mountain  though, and today there were sprinkles up there while it was just humid down here.  This weekend we are heading to Ohio for a few weeks.  Not only are we looking forward to seeing the kids and Julia, but we are catching the last day of  Dennis and Leanne's visit so we get to enjoy time with them as well.

Becky, Dan, and Krista - we are very proud of each of you.